Cinnamon and coriander fried chicken

So I’m calling this dish Cinnamon and Coriander Fried Chicken because those are the two flavors I want to highlight with this chicken. Here’s the story. As I was messing around the other day, or as I like to call it; working in my mini test-kitchen, I figured something out. I was over complicating how […]

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Shichimi Togarashi - Japanese 7 Spice Ingredients

Shichimi Togarashi – 七味唐辛子 – means ‘seven spice blend,’ but it’s funny that if you break down those syllables a little you end up with Shi chi mi togarashi -しちみ とがらし – ‘scrubbing.’ Perhaps this tingly, spicy blend helps to scrub your innards? I don’t think so. I just found it an interesting aspect of […]

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Tebasaki Style Fried Chicken

Yes, if you are a food buff you probably already know that tebasaki chicken wings are a particularly common dish found in and around Nagoya, Japan. If you know any Japanese you probably know that tebasaki, (or debesaki) 手羽先, translates specifically to ‘chicken wings.’ With this in mind, I understand if you find my use […]

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Spicy chili sauce breaded chicken

*Warning! This recipe is spicy. Not the spiciest I’ve made by any means, but it’s got a bit of heat going on. Really, it just has a nice flavor to it without relying on outrageous levels of heat to make the dish. As the name implies, it contains 6 different chili pepper powders, but they […]

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Semiserious Smoked Salmon Furikake

Having worked on 6 furikake recipes before this one, I am surely getting the hang of flavors and styles by now. As great as it is to replicate existing ideas, it’s also nice to come up with something your own, as it pertains to your personal preferences and region. That being said, there isn’t much […]

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Shiso Perilla Furikake on Rice

There are several names and styles for this kind of furikake. First, shiso, perilla, and beefsteak plant are all the same thing. It is a member of the mint family, with green to dark purple tooth-edged leaves. It has a very strong mint-basil flavor, with definite pepperiness and a bitter undertone. It can also be […]

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Sweet Coconut Curry with Taro and Yam

Taro is a starch used by nations all around the world, and in a lot of different ways. Having started with a Trinidad inspired dish involving coconut, it was only fitting to head to Asia, strongly believed to be the traditional home of the taro root, and create an entirely different dish that also uses […]

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Lumpia with Atsuete/Annatto

In the short, Lumpia is the Filipino version of pork egg rolls. The cuisine of the Philippines is actually quite an intriguing one. Obviously they are an Asian nation, and they have an abundant supply of such fresh ingredients as rice, bananas, citrus, fish, and other uniquely Asian fruits and vegetables, but they have also […]

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Chinese Yam and Chicken Soup with Goji Berries

This recipe calls for Asian Yam. This is not to be mistaken for what gets marketed as ‘yam’ in the US. Despite popular belief, both the yellowy sweet flavored potato that is labeled ‘sweet potato’ and the orange fleshed extra sweet flavored potatoes named ‘yam’ are both just that, sweet potatoes. The cousin of the good-ole reg’ya’la […]

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Thai Yam Yam Salad

This punny recipe came about with my desire to learn new uses for African and Asian yams. When I say yam, you probably think of those dark orange sweet potatoes they sell in most every US market. They are, in fact, exactly that, sweet potatoes. I know, this is where you say, “No, no, no! Sweet […]

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