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The Joy of Diving into Footnotes
I have enjoyed a newly discovered ‘game’ for assisting with my food and cultural studies. We all Wiki things. This would be a hard fact for any internet savvy “curioso” to deny, but I know that anyone (and everyone) uses Wikipedia as a source for answers. Even if just briefly. This makes searching for more […]
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Armchair Explorer? Internaut? Professional Student? An Aspiring Author Trying to Find Herself Without Getting Lost in the Black Hole that is The Internet.
Over the past 9 years, some more active than others, I have been on a personal journey to learn everything I can about the history, cultures, and cuisines of the world. I particularly love how dramatically all three are intertwined. Whenever I score a good regional cookbook I devour it it cover-to-cover as one might […]
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Six Month Update on Nutritional Goals with Our CFer on Trikafta
One year ago I was privileged with the ability to ‘come back home’ and again be a full time homemaker, mother, and caregiver. I had a huge list of goals that I desired to accomplish and put to ticking them off one at a time.
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Living with Cystic Fibrosis: Nutritional Changes After Beginning Trikafta
When living with Cystic Fibrosis the ideal care includes quarterly clinic visits. At at each of these appointments our son (currently 10) will be cared for by many different specialized medical staff members. His vitals are always taken by a Nurse at check-in, he always does a Pulmonary Function Test with a Respiratory Therapist, and […]
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About Us
Hi! Welcome to Semiserious Chefs! We are a traveling family of three; Andrew as a web developer, myself, Vanessa, as a full-time homemaker/part-time blogger, and Nathan, a 10 year old homeschooler learning how to manage his Cystic Fibrosis. Every recipe found on this site has been created by us either in a tiny crappy apartment kitchen or an even smaller RV kitchen. That means that no matter what your own circumstances, you can cook wonderful food, too!
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About CF
Cystic Fibrosis is the genetic disorder that Nathan was diagnosed with shortly after birth. At its core is an issue of chloride and sodium (salt) balancing on a cellular level. Because if this various mucus' in the body are thicker than normal. Thick mucus in the pancreatic ducts makes digestion of fats and proteins difficult, while thick mucus in the lungs causes difficulties breathing and creates the perfect hosting ground for bacterial infections. There are also a myriad of other issues, including the body sweating much larger amounts of salt, which has historically lead to children with CF simply being known as 'Salty Babies.'
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