Buffalo Blue Cheese Macaroni Salad

From as far back as I can remember (21 years tops) I’ve had a thing for spicy food. While I personally don’t consider Buffalo sauce to be very spicy, I still really enjoy the subtle heat and vinegary edge that comes with it. And I know it pairs amazingly well with blue cheese. So why […]

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Aged Egg Yolk Bottarga Two Ways

This idea was brought to my attention by my Brother-in-Law, who had heard Alton Brown bragging about it on a pod cast. Incredibly easy to make, cured egg yolks can be very useful for a large number of cuisines and dishes. All the rage right now, they are a great way to bring some sophistication […]

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Dill and Chive Chiken with Pasta

“This is a phenomenal dish! I wish they served this at my favorite place! If you were to ever own a restaurant this would need to be on the menu!” – Real quote from a Happy Guest This recipe came about after I was given a dill herb dip blend last Christmas. Eventually I created […]

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The ingredients for "AWESOME Blend"

I call this AWESOME Blend for the very simple reason that it’s shorter than ‘Awesome on Everything Blend,’ which is exactly what it is! Our local spice shop in Anchorage, Summit Spice and Tea, used to have a green herb blend, called Chena, that I used for a multitude of different applications. When they stopped […]

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Pesto Angel Hair Spaghetti Pie

Our little family really does not do hotdishes (or ‘casseroles’ as everyone else might call them). It probably has a direct tie to Andrew’s abundant visits to Minnesota as a young person. However, when it comes time to come up with something to bring to a larger family gathering, what we might find exciting (particularly […]

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I was working on a sauce to use with some canned moose meat a little while back, (something that might work well with left over pot-roast or such) and created this really tasty sauce. Although it was great with the meat I decided to go a different way with that recipe, ending up with a […]

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This recipe was inspired by a can of ‘meat’ I was given. ‘Meat?’ you say. Yes, a quart jar simply labeled ‘meat.’ Now there is an explanation for this. My mother loves to can foods; jelly, vegetables, fruit, fish… and last year they decided to can some moose. It turned out GREAT! So why label […]

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Hearty Meat Lasagna Dinner

I really wanted to call this lasagna ‘traditional‘, but after looking up lasagna on Wikipedia, I don’t know if I can do that. See, I’m more confused if anything now. But again, that’s pretty much par for the course for me. This particular recipe doesn’t include onions – although they could easily be added with […]

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