It is so amazing what a difference in flavor you get between fresh chilies and dried. Pozole verde is made using fresh chilies while pozole rojo is made with the same types of chilies after they have been dried. It’s interesting how everyone has their own personal likes between the two. For example, I absolutely […]
Read moreI really wanted to call this lasagna ‘traditional‘, but after looking up lasagna on Wikipedia, I don’t know if I can do that. See, I’m more confused if anything now. But again, that’s pretty much par for the course for me. This particular recipe doesn’t include onions – although they could easily be added with […]
Read moreA little while back Andrew and I held Dueling Duleys “Barbeque Soup.” I was troubled having to narrow down the many styles of barbeque in order to enter a single recipe. In the end I decided to make two soup ideas but found that this recipe was a little less barbeque and a little more […]
Read moreThe Ingredients Anything Everything Whatever we want Andrew I’m going to jump in and say right off the bat that for this episode of Dueling Duleys, we’re not going to follow the usual rules for our game, which you can find by clicking here: The Rules Instead we will both be creating our own take […]
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