Dried Chilies Horizontal

May I present a SemiSerious Poem: Pozole red, pozole green Pozole fat, pozole lean Some use the chilies, some use cumin Some prefer pork, now that we don’t use Human. Now don’t get confused that I mean one is better than the other; to say that the pozole rojo is fatty and ‘gross’ while pozole […]

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Vegetarian Pozole Rojo

Now, I am by no means a vegetarian, however I am a very happy ‘meat-on-the-side’ eater and love all manner of vegetarian proteins.  One of the most fascinating things about world cuisine is how many people, (a majority of the world population actually) eat little to no meat on a regular basis. This does not […]

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Pozole Verde Vegetarian

This dish, with all it’s fresh chilies and the tomatillos is an absolute delight for any cool summer day. With just the right amount of heat, and topped with creamy avocado, you surely cannot go wrong! Now for personal flair I highly suggest picking your favorite garnishes from the list below. If you have guests, […]

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Kongjang Banchan

It’s pretty obvious by looking at the recipes around this one that I am on a total Korean kick. It all started when I found out what banchan even were through my discovery of Dubu Jorim. I love these little side dishes! One might be sweet, one might be spicy, this one has a ginger […]

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Two-Bite Red Bean Cakes

I love to try new and exotic foods. They can be unusual looking fruits, something prepared in a can or package, a sauce, and sometimes even a treat. That is what lead me to red bean cakes. I don’t know how the original packaging might have ‘enticed’ my interest, as I was in a market […]

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