Tebasaki Style Fried Chicken

Yes, if you are a food buff you probably already know that tebasaki chicken wings are a particularly common dish found in and around Nagoya, Japan. If you know any Japanese you probably know that tebasaki, (or debesaki) 手羽先, translates specifically to ‘chicken wings.’ With this in mind, I understand if you find my use […]

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Sweet bourbon whiskey barbecue sauce

*Notes about this recipe: This barbecue sauce is naturally a little sweeter than some other barbecue sauces because it’s primary intention is to be coupled with hot serrano pepper chips on a burger which will in turn take some of that sweetness away. Also, the bourbon whiskey flavor is very subtle by default, so you […]

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Sweet Treat Plantain Arepas

This dish came about after my week-long exploration of Latin American mashed plantain breakfasts. Finally, after plenty of savory, I created a sweet dish. For my own tastes I like just a dash of cayenne pepper included in the dough, but you can always leave it out. This is an especially fun and easy dish […]

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Filipino Banana Cue

Yes, that is a spoof off barbecue, but no, I did not make it up. It is indeed a real thing, and a really popular thing! Also known as banana-Q, it’s actually quite funny in that these simple sweet treats are not actually barbecued, but rather fried and then served on barbecue skewers. This faux […]

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Krakro/Kaklo Sweet and Spicy Plantain Balls

This recipe takes its roots from Ghana. The southern states in particular lean heavily on cassava and plantain as major staples, but the common culture throughout the country is to serve a meal centered around the starch of choice with a soup or stew, most often tomato based, and added protein, very often fish. Like […]

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Grenadine Bacon Candy

These wonderful and slightly pink treats are tasty and ‘cute’ if you could describe bacon in such a way. A perfect breakfast in bed for Mom, or snipped into bite-sized finger food at a baby shower. Now I’m not saying that these should only be served to the ladies, it just happened to have been […]

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Kkakdugi Banchan

Almost everyone is familiar with kimchi. Smelly fermented cabbage, right? I’m pretty sure that most of the people who won’t touch it fall into one of two categories: “I don’t do spicy”or “Ew, cabbage! Icky!” Well, if you are a member of the latter group let me introduce you to a very pleasant option. Kkakdugi. […]

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THAT’S RIGHT. HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! The great flavors of Sweet and Sour AND Teriyaki all rolled into one wonderful, full bodied, fragrant, and multi-purpose sauce! Around here we don’t waste our money on store bought teriyaki sauce. It isn’t that it’s expensive. There are, of course, plenty of really cheap and […]

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