Winemaker's Duck Pizza

About 6 months ago I was introduced to the idea of Winemaker’s Duck (Canard à la Vigneronne) through Saveur Magazine. GOOD STUFF! Although I haven’t had the chance to try it yet, the concept is quite simple; concord grapes, shallots, thyme, and a duck for roasting. Ironically there is no wine involved at all, but […]

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Alaska Wild Rose and Blue Bells

I can’t say that I watch a ridiculous amount of TV, but of the TV that I watch for my sole enjoyment, a ridiculous amount of it is food related. Add to that near daily walks past a beautifully wooded block on our street I certainly cannot help but notice all the wonderful eatables we […]

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Htipiti, Kopanisti, Tirokafteri

Htipiti, Kopanisti, Tirokafteri I know those words are each a mouthful. χτυπητή: htee-pee-tee or ktee-pee-tee (also written as ktipiti or ctipiti) Κοπανιστή: cop-en-es-tee τυροκαυτερή: teer-oh-kaaf-tehr-ee. Not so bad, eh? Each being Greek, the last of these translates as ‘Spicy Cheese’ from tiri for cheese and kafteri for spicy, while kopanisti is used to describe something […]

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Tirokafteri - Greek Feta Cheese Dip

As compared the boldness of the roasted red peppers in my Htipiti recipe or the tang of the lemon and pepperoncinis in the Kopanisti, I was expecting my last and final rendition, this very basic Tirokafteri below, to feel very bland. BOY WAS I WRONG! Sometimes the most simple of combinations really come together for […]

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Htipiti - Feta and Red Pepper Dip

I LOVE roasted red peppers so when I first came across a recipe for Htipiti I was very excited for yet another use for these bold and sweet peppers! I was also very confused by the name, so I did a little research. Correctly spelled as χτυπητή in Greek you can often find it written […]

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