First off, always give credit where credit is due. Although there are some subtle changes that make this recipe my own, I definitely used Anthony Bourdain’s recipe as a major leaping off point. As soon as I read that he uses a two day technique with a partial fry and a freeze in the middle, […]
Read moreThis is absolutely my new favorite sauce. For two reasons: I LOVE roasted red peppers (if you can’t tell by my many uses of them in recipes) and I LOVE hotsauce! (Well three because I love tomato juice as well.) I want to put this stuff on EVERYTHING! On sandwiches, in soups, on noodles, in […]
Read moreA little while ago… ok, it was quite a while ago, like nine months or something, I wrote down the idea ‘buffalo’d tomatoes and/with _______.’ It’s very sad that that note is still up on our board. Our enormous white board. If you ever have the misfortune of visiting our humble daycare/tornado of a home, […]
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