Citrus Junos, known as Yuzu (ユズ) in Japanese, and yuju (유자) in Korean, is the name of a particular type of rather small, very seedy, citrus fruit. Although it is commonly used fresh, and to make ponzu in particular, you will very often find it in a fermented form combined with chilis and salt, as […]
Read moreThough taken from the name of a town in Spain, Marbella is actually an American made recipe based off of the flavors of that region. All the rage among the shoulder pad clad who’s-who of the 80’s, chicken marbella was the creative genus of Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins, proprietors of the very trendy Silver […]
Read moreIn our American world of mish-mashing cultures, it is really wonderful whenever I stumble upon a truly authentic l dish. Not too long ago, in my never ending quest to expand my herb and spice collection, I purchased a pinch bag of annatto seeds and began researching the hows and wheres of their common use, […]
Read moreFirst off, always give credit where credit is due. Although there are some subtle changes that make this recipe my own, I definitely used Anthony Bourdain’s recipe as a major leaping off point. As soon as I read that he uses a two day technique with a partial fry and a freeze in the middle, […]
Read moreAt the store recently I asked Nathan what kind of vegetable he would like to go with dinner and he picked out some nice looking zucchini. I know there are a lot of people who are not really fans of zucchini. In fact, I don’t often get it myself. I am simply not a ‘Spiralizor’ […]
Read moreBacon is good. Bourbon is good. But together?….. These sweet and salty, scrumptious treats are great for a Saturday breakfast, or an addition to your grilled monster-burger creation. Perhaps you want to be a little more exploratory and decided to crisp it up real well as a garnish for your famous Bloody Mary. And we […]
Read moreThese wonderful and slightly pink treats are tasty and ‘cute’ if you could describe bacon in such a way. A perfect breakfast in bed for Mom, or snipped into bite-sized finger food at a baby shower. Now I’m not saying that these should only be served to the ladies, it just happened to have been […]
Read moreWhile shopping for Christmas gifts last year we took our annual trip to the 5th Avenue Mall. Yup, you heard right, annual. As much as I would love to go on a mini rant about the fact that the shopping ‘situation’ in America is completely blown out of proportion, and don’t get me started on […]
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