Norse Roasted Potatoes

In the Norse cooking of Sweden, Norway, and Finland, potatoes usually accompany a main dish that may have a sauce and fresh herbs already included, so often they just serve the potatoes boiled and skinned to be added to the main plate and mashed with either butter or the main sauce. Here we have roasted […]

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Lindström Patties, Pickled Onions, and Fresh Horseradish

Meat and Potatoes. Two staples of the Nordic diet. Given, they consume a lot of fish, but meatballs and patties are always a favorite. This dish blends another commonality, pickled vegetables. Obviously there are pickled onions as a topping, but these smallish patties also contain pickled beets, sweet gherkins, and capers, lending to a very […]

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Fingerling Potatoes With Crunch

“New or Fingerling?” you ask. Yes! Either is fine. In fact they are very similar. New potatoes are just smaller under developed versions of any, otherwise normal, type of potato. They are simply picked early in the season. Baby versions of their adult counterpart. Fingerling potatoes are a particular breed of potato that stays small […]

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