PHD Pickles, Simmered in Dr. Pepper

We’ve all met him. That guy at the end of the bar who just gets wiser and wiser with each drink, until he is convinced that everyone else is convinced he has a PHD. Recipes are a funny thing. They can be very sophisticated, very simple, very reminiscent, even very strange. We serve certain foods […]

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Tebasaki Style Fried Chicken

Yes, if you are a food buff you probably already know that tebasaki chicken wings are a particularly common dish found in and around Nagoya, Japan. If you know any Japanese you probably know that tebasaki, (or debesaki) 手羽先, translates specifically to ‘chicken wings.’ With this in mind, I understand if you find my use […]

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Fried Taro Crackers and Taro Chips

Most everyone has heard of taro chips. Even if you’ve never cooked with taro and just know them from those bags of multi colored chips, the idea is pretty basic; super thin slices of taro root deep fried, just like a potato chip. Since this idea is nothing new, I wanted to come up with […]

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Lumpia with Atsuete/Annatto

In the short, Lumpia is the Filipino version of pork egg rolls. The cuisine of the Philippines is actually quite an intriguing one. Obviously they are an Asian nation, and they have an abundant supply of such fresh ingredients as rice, bananas, citrus, fish, and other uniquely Asian fruits and vegetables, but they have also […]

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Crispy Chili Straws

This recipe was created as a part of a Duel between Andrew and I. We were looking for something that would top a burger nicely, but these can be used on a multitude of dishes. They have a fantastic amount of crunch and just the right heat to not overwhelm your mouth and the rest […]

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Sweet Treat Plantain Arepas

This dish came about after my week-long exploration of Latin American mashed plantain breakfasts. Finally, after plenty of savory, I created a sweet dish. For my own tastes I like just a dash of cayenne pepper included in the dough, but you can always leave it out. This is an especially fun and easy dish […]

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Ghanaian Kelewele

Kelewele (pronounced kay-lay-way-lay) is a West African street food that is particularly popular in Ghana. Commonly sold as cubed bits, people also like to slice them more like fries or potato wedges, and sometimes as medallions. These spicy seasoned and fried treats are great for parties, hors d’oeuvres, side dishes, and even tossed on salad. […]

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Two-Bite Red Bean Cakes

I love to try new and exotic foods. They can be unusual looking fruits, something prepared in a can or package, a sauce, and sometimes even a treat. That is what lead me to red bean cakes. I don’t know how the original packaging might have ‘enticed’ my interest, as I was in a market […]

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