Chive Dill Blend

I make a large batch of this blend to keep on hand because I use it so often! This combination was first inspired by a Christmas gift from my Sister-in-Law. She gave us several Christmas ornament bulbs filled with herbs and spices for making dips. One was a very classic dill blend; 1 teaspoon dill […]

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Lemon Thyme Vinaigrette Over Fresh Zucchini

At the store recently I asked Nathan what kind of vegetable he would like to go with dinner and he picked out some nice looking zucchini. I know there are a lot of people who are not really fans of zucchini. In fact, I don’t often get it myself. I am simply not a ‘Spiralizor’ […]

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artichoke heart flower

Andrew Thanksgiving, that means three things around this house. First, it’s a day for us to reflect and be thankful for everything we’ve been given, and not take anything for granted no matter how menial it may seem. Second, and this is very important, it means a long weekend for us. Hurrah! But also, it […]

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