Sweet bourbon whiskey barbecue sauce

*Notes about this recipe: This barbecue sauce is naturally a little sweeter than some other barbecue sauces because it’s primary intention is to be coupled with hot serrano pepper chips on a burger which will in turn take some of that sweetness away. Also, the bourbon whiskey flavor is very subtle by default, so you […]

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Dragon's Brew

This beverage was thrown together for a group of friends who happen to like mulled wine. I decided instead to mull some apple juice, (basically apple cider,) using cinnamon, mace blades, and cardamom, then spiked it with whiskey instead. A Note About Mace Blades I used mace blades to spice my apple juice. These intriguing […]

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Smaug's Gems

I first came across this recipe when looking for Lord of The Ring’s related dishes. It was originally called Smaug’s Balls. I played around with it a little and renamed it a much more sophisticated Smaug’s Gems, but now that I’m sharing it with the entire world, I think maybe they need another new name… […]

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