Egg Sandwich

An egg sandwich, sometimes called a fried egg sandwich is as the name implies, a sandwich whose primary ingredient is egg. There is no limit to the amount of egg one chooses to use, just so long as it’s present.

Personal convictions aside, it is generally considered perfectly acceptable to use any style of egg that you wish for your egg sandwich. This can include eggs over easy, eggs over medium, eggs over hard, sunny-side up, omelette style, poached, steamed, microwaved, and even scrambled. Although a word of caution; scrambling may be too messy for some individuals.

Egg sandwiches were a staple food for me growing up, and therefore hold a special spot in the volumes of my culinary archive. They can be as basic as a fried egg topped with American cheese and placed between two pieces of white bread, or as elaborate as something akin to eggs Benedict.

For informational purposes, I would like to direct you to the video below. I have no opinion on the quality or technique being employed in the following video, nor do I advocate that it is indeed a “Killer” egg sandwich. You will need to read the comments from the video to make your own informed opinion.

Since I consider myself somewhat of an old fashioned pioneer in the field of egg sandwichology, I would like to share some results of my research over the years. Basically all varieties of breakfast sandwiches can be classified as “egg sandwiches”. The type of bread used is irrelevant, as long as it contains egg.

*Note: To be called and egg sandwich, real bread must be used. If a tortilla is filled with egg, that makes it a breakfast wrap and not an egg sandwich. Lettuce or rice based starches don’t count either. It must be bread.

Acceptable bread choices for egg sandwiches include Telera rolls, Kaiser rolls, toasted breads (white and wheat are both good choices), English muffins, bagels, and one of my all time favorites – croissants. Rye or pumpernickel should never be used.

Popular toppings for the standard egg sandwich (which must be present for it to be called an egg sandwich) include cheese (use of a wide variety is totally encouraged), bacon, sausage, ham, green peppers, onion, mushrooms, Tabasco sauce, and spinach.

Egg McMuffins from McDonald’s fall into the category of egg sandwiches as do Croissan’wiches from Burger King. Taking it a step further, some exotic egg sandwiches can be made using pancakes, waffles, and even French toast. I can’t vouch for these types however, as I don’t feel they preserve the savory taste that an egg sandwich should have.

I have experimented with microwaving eggs with sliced hot links in them and have gotten pretty good results. In fact, I’ve achieved very promising results using hot links in all of my egg sandwich creations over the years. I’ve also dabbled with steamed eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs and even made an egg sandwich using a cheese omelette. As you can see, egg sandwiches can become much more complex than many people realize.

Below is another video of an egg sandwich, but this one steps up the game and uses fancier ingredients. Again, I’m not recommending anything, it’s simply for educational purposes. You will have to draw your own conclusions. In fact, I really want to hear what everyone has to say about their favorite type of egg sandwich and what they put on it!