Roux is used as a thickening agent for a variety of soups, stews, and sauces. However, this should not be confused with slurry. Roux is typically made by whisking butter and flour together in a sauce pan over heat. But by no means is it limited to just butter though; many different types of fat can be used. When adequately cooked, the mixture can then be used to thicken the desired dish.
A roux can be cooked for varying lengths of time to achieve different colors, which will impart different tastes to the final product. If you are unfamiliar with roux, you can click the following link to learn more: Roux
It’s also French for reddish, or having red hair. For instance, Beaucoup d’Irlandais ont les cheveux roux, which means “many Irish people have red hair”.
Let me give you a word of warning when handling roux. If you’re thinking about sticking your finger or any other part of your body in the roux to see if it’s hot, don’t do it. Oil sticks to skin like something fierce and it burns.