Oops, I accidentally took a nice picture…
A couple days ago, Vanessa and I had a sudden stroke of genius. A fortuitous turn of events. She said something (I don’t remember what) that gave us the inspiration for a new recipe. While it might not be a new recipe for some folks, it’s definitely new for us. That’s right, she laid the groundwork and I…well I did what I do best. I took the names of two popular dishes and smashed them together like a champ. It’s one of my few skills.
The only problem is, now Vanessa keeps wanting to call them Deviled Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch. I really don’t know what to do with that.
What I do know however, was that I would need to start experimenting with this idea. So I grabbed some eggs from the refrigerator and set out to create some sort of new masterpiece.
*Side note: Why is ‘fridge’ spelled with a ‘d’ but refrigerator isn’t?

You can use plain old cold water if you want, but ice water works so much better when cooling your boiled eggs. The eggs stop cooking almost immediately, so you can get to work peeling them.
Okay, so maybe masterpiece is too strong of a word. The idea was simply to take deviled eggs and make them taste like eggs Benedict. But how could I go about making that happen? That was the big question.
The Hollandaise sauce part seemed easy enough. And by Hollandaise sauce, I just wanted something that tasted like it. After all, it’s nothing but egg yolks, butter, and a little lemon juice. The hard boiled eggs would give me the egg yolks I needed, so I could scratch that off the list. And of course lemon juice. Have to have the lemon juice.
I think the trick was going to be adding enough liquid to counter act the dryness of the egg yolks, so that the filling for the boiled egg whites not only tasted like eggs Benedict, but was also just as creamy as deviled eggs. The problem I found, is that butter just wasn’t going to work in this situation. No worries though, that was easily swapped out with some mayonnaise which worked just fine. Easy enough. so far, I was on a roll.

The eggs yolks here are perfect. They aren’t well done or completely crumbly like what you would get if you were to boil the living daylights out of them. However, you might notice the two eggs halves in the front contained double egg yolks. The chances of that are 1 in 1000. Do you know what that means…? Absolutely nothing!
The hard part about all of this was trying to figure out how I could incorporate the Canadian bacon, and most importantly the sort of sourdough flavor from the English muffins. I don’t know if it would be considered a sourdough flavor or more of a slightly bitter taste.
Either way, I wanted to try and get that flavor involved because it’s a part of what makes eggs Benedict what it is. But upon careful consideration, I might have to come back and edit this page if I can’t find an acceptable place for the English muffin.
*Edit – Vanessa has come up with a nice work around. We wanted a way to provide a little crispiness like you get with genuine eggs Benedict. So she suggested chopping up the English muffins and toasting the pieces in melted butter. It was a perfect solution I feel.
The first batch of eggs I experimented with tasted good, but didn’t have the right consistency, due to the fact that I put too much butter in with the egg yolks in an attempt to get them to blend in the food processor. The first attempt was definitely not what I wanted at all.

This is what the Deviled eggs Benedict filling looked like right before it got scooped into the egg whites. Good story huh?
In fact, butter was a horrible choice. So from now on, we will only be using butter to brown the English muffins. I don’t know what I was thinking.
Fresh lemon juice is the key, but don’t get carried away with it because it can quickly overpower everything else. I’m not warning all of you about that, more so than I am reminding myself, because I can get out of control amazingly quick when it comes to lemon juice. It doesn’t matter what I’m making. If the recipe calls for lemon juice, I simply have no internal mechanism whatsoever that might shut off the flow of said juice.
But it is what it is. Or as the french would say, mais c’est que c’est. Okay, I really don’t know if that’s something they would actually say, but it translates correctly and it sounds good to my ears.
So now, I only had to incorporate some sort of ham into the dish. I could use some good old Canadian bacon, or I could keep it simple by purchasing some diced ham. But should it go on top or should it go in with the egg yolks and lemon juice? Decisions, decisions.
Eventually, convenience won the day. I decided to go with the diced ham. Small cubes of ham to be exact – and throw them right in with everything else. It worked perfectly. The eggs looked nearly identical to deviled eggs, but totally had the Hollandaise flavor going on.
In retrospect, I think the Canadian bacon was a bit too thin. The diced ham adds just a little bit more substance in my opinion.
So there you have it everyone. Deviled Eggs Benedict. I don’t know if this is a real thing or not, but for us it is. Let us know what you think about it in the comments section below. I personally love Hollandaise sauce so this is a win for me. It looks and tastes pretty close, but there’s still a subtle hint of Deviled eggs. Anyway, enjoy and I look forward to the next recipe.
Deviled eggs Benedict
By: Semiserious chefs
Serves: 4-6
- 6 large eggs (hard boiled)
- 1/4 cup mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 2 oz or about 1/4 cup cubed ham (small)
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 1/2 English muffin (chopped)
- Paprika for garnish (optional)
- Gently place the eggs in a medium saucepan and add enough cold water to completely cover them.
- Heat over high heat until the water has come to a rolling boil.
- Remove saucepan from burner, cover and let sit for exactly 10 minutes. This will ensure the eggs yolks are completely done while still being just slightly moist in the middle.
- Fill a separate bowl up with cold water (ice water works very well) and carefully transfer the hard boiled eggs to the water so they will stop cooking. Let sit for at least a minute, perhaps longer if you aren’t using ice water.
- Remove shell from eggs, rinse and then slice them in half lengthwise.
- Take a spoon and gently scoop the egg yolks out of each half and put them into another bowl.
- Now thoroughly whisk the egg yolks with the mayonnaise, lemon juice and ham. It should look like real Hollandaise sauce by this time.
- Chop half of an English muffin into small pieces, making sure there is enough for all 12 egg halves.
- Heat a pan over medium-high heat and melt the butter. Sautée the pieces of English muffin in the melted butter until browned and crisp. Between 1 – 2 minutes should be good. Just try not to burn them.
- Evenly scoop the egg yolk mixture into each half of the egg white until it is all gone.
- Top each egg with some of the toasted English muffin pieces and garnish with paprika if desired.
2 comments on “Deviled Eggs Benedict”
“Deviled Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch”….LOL!!! These look delicious! Well done, sir and ma’am!
Yes, this was definitely a proud creation. I feel like it was very clever, but it turned out so well and tastes so great that the ‘cleverness’ doesn’t even matter!