Everything Bagel Seasoning Ingredients

There are a few of us out there that absolutely crave the savory flavor combination you get on a good Everything Bagel. But why does it only come on a bagel? What if I want an Everything Pork Chop? What about a loaf of Everything Bread? (Mix this seasoning (unsalted) right in with your dough […]

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Seed Cake for Gimli

Anyone who has spend much time in ‘Tolkien-Land’ will most likely think of Gimli when asked about a dwarf. “Gimli, son of Gloin,” he can always be quoted. I always think of the 13 member dwarf company in the original book, “The Hobbit,” with all their clever, rhyme-y names: Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, […]

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artichoke heart flower

Andrew Thanksgiving, that means three things around this house. First, it’s a day for us to reflect and be thankful for everything we’ve been given, and not take anything for granted no matter how menial it may seem. Second, and this is very important, it means a long weekend for us. Hurrah! But also, it […]

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Sourdough bread fresh out of the oven

With my first attempt at making sourdough bread producing less than stellar results, I’m fairly confident this time around I will achieve better results. As one commenter stated, I need to let the dough rise for much longer than I previously had. And just looking at the starter today, I could see bubbles forming on […]

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First Sourdough Loaf Before Baking

I’ve had this notion floating around in my head for some time now about trying my hand at making a loaf of sourdough bread. Partly because I appreciate a good sourdough bread every now and then, but also because I view it as a little bit of a challenge. And if you know me, you […]

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