When it comes to ‘routine checkups’ Nathan visits a lot of medical staff. For instance, for his 5 year checkup he saw his pediatric nurse and pediatrician of course, but he also had a routine CF clinic appointment where he saw his CF nurse, nutritionist, CF social worker, pulmonology nurse, and pediatric pulmonologist/CF doctor. Now […]
Read moreThis post is going to be short. Well short for me I guess. Last Sunday evening a nice thunderstorm rolled through the area for the first time this year. I know, woohoo right? Is it really worth taking the time to write a blog post about it? My answer to that would be yes. Partly […]
Read moreYesterday marked the 3rd year that Nathan participated in the Great Strides walk to raise money for the CF Foundation. If you don’t know what the CF Foundation is, I urge you to click that square banner located just to the right. Or if you are on a mobile device it will probably be located […]
Read moreKID CHALLENGE RECIPE TIME; I think I like the name of this post, and if it works out well I might just continue with more of these ‘episodes’. Who knows though, because I am pretty skilled at starting projects and never finishing them. Think Dueling Duleys. Which by the way reminds me, we really need […]
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