
LightningThis post is going to be short. Well short for me I guess. Last Sunday evening a nice thunderstorm rolled through the area for the first time this year. I know, woohoo right? Is it really worth taking the time to write a blog post about it? My answer to that would be yes. Partly because we don’t get that many thunderstorms here in Anchorage, but mostly because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it rain as hard as it did that evening.

I couldn’t imagine what would have happened if it had kept up that pace. Don’t get me wrong, it was good that it rained and I like rain but wow. We honestly do need some rain though since we’ve basically had nothing but sunshine so far this year. I just feel that maybe it would be better if that amount of rain could have been spread out over the course of a few days.

The whole thing started when I was sitting in the truck in the drive through at Walgreens. From my point of view, I was unable to see the cumulonimbus clouds gathering momentum to the north. I did see a bee however, and from what I’ve gathered they know when a storm is coming so I didn’t think much of it. And then it started with a single drop of water that landed on my arm. This is getting pretty dramatic huh?

So by the time I got home about five minutes later, it had already switched to ‘extreme shower’ mode. I got pretty much soaked as I hastily made my way from the truck to the safety of our apartment. Food in hand of course.

The food went to the table and I went to the counter to plug my phone in. That’s when I saw the first flash. Well at least I thought I did, because I was in the middle of processing that very thought when the sound of thunder cracked directly above us. It must have been quite close to sound that quickly. Poor Nathan started crying because he isn’t used to hearing thunder, let alone that close.

But he lightened up shortly after that and Vanessa took a quick video of the insanity of the rain that evening. The real heavy rain probably only lasted for about ten minutes or so, but it was enough to make a nice puddle right in front of our door.

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