Winemaker's Duck Pizza

About 6 months ago I was introduced to the idea of Winemaker’s Duck (Canard à la Vigneronne) through Saveur Magazine. GOOD STUFF! Although I haven’t had the chance to try it yet, the concept is quite simple; concord grapes, shallots, thyme, and a duck for roasting. Ironically there is no wine involved at all, but […]

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Manakish with Za'atar

Manakish, pronounced manakeesh, is a very popular flat bread from the Middle East. It is most commonly topped with a za’atar blend, but can also be found topped with tomatoes, local cheeses, ground seasoned lamb, chilies, or greens. It can be sliced or served whole, and eaten flat or folded. Manakish is common for both […]

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Nathan selfie

*These are all in Nathan’s words. He speaks, I type. I do gymnastics. And I do like doing CPT because I get to play games, and with Pulmozyme I get to play games. I’ve got a bunch of shirts. I’ve got a bunch of stuffed friends, and I’m really good at math and real fast […]

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I was working on a sauce to use with some canned moose meat a little while back, (something that might work well with left over pot-roast or such) and created this really tasty sauce. Although it was great with the meat I decided to go a different way with that recipe, ending up with a […]

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Slow Rise Pizza Dough

Where do I even begin with this one. Well actually, I have a pretty good idea of where to begin, but before I can do that, I need to make two things clear. First, I don’t think the perfect pizza dough actually exists – nor can it ever – because it is such a subjective […]

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Pizza Dough

Ahh now we’re getting to one of my favorite things. Creating and putting together your very own pizza. It’s quite honestly one of my favorite things to do. Whether it be the simplest and most well known pizza such as a pepperoni pizza, or some other creation entirely your own, the most important part of […]

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