Organic Raspberry Flavored Tea with Fruit (Frontier Co-op)
One of my favorite things about shopping for a new tea for our family is getting to sniff all the jars! This week, when we stopped in at the Natural Pantry in Anchorage, I was looking for something fresh and fruity, and of course the raspberries caught my eye! Beautiful red-pink berries, and TONS of them! I’m not going to lie that it just had to be one of the most expensive on the shelf, but when you are only buying an ounce or two it really is only a $3-5 purchase.
My mother steeped the first pot and we were surprised to see an almost completely clear tea. But what it lacked in a appearance it more than made up for with flavor. The next pot I brewed, thinking perhaps it had been her proportions or technique that created such a colorless cup. Nope, mine too was just as transparent, but again loaded with subtle wonderful berry flavors. I really appreciate that this green tea does not seem to become as bitter as many others can. It was quite funny then, when Andrew tried this tea for the first time. “It’s weak,” he commented, pouring the first cup. But then, “Wow, it actually isn’t weak at all!”
I feel like this tea brews into a ‘picnic in your mouth.’ It’s like sitting atop a blanket on a tundra hillside amidst a berry patch. The sun is out but it isn’t scorching and there is just the gentlest of breezes. Perhaps its a Teddy Bear Picnic?
Frontier’s teas are sold bulk in a lot of grocery store’s health departments along with their bulk herbs. You will also typically be able find this, or similar products, in any large natural foods store. And I hate to say it, but as with anything, you can always buy it on Amazon.
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