Spinach Salad with Kalamata and Pesto Dressing

The more official name would be Spinach Salad with Kalamata and Pesto Dressing.

The other day I was invited to attend a Murder Mystery dinner with a large group of friends. It happened to fall on the evening of a day that was already ENTIRELY packed! In the end, I had about an hour window to get dressed, make a salad, and arrive. I already had a recipe in mind and supplies purchased, but when I walked through the door between stops I found that a tornado had trashed our home!

Ok, not a real tornado, but one of the biggest messes I’ve seen our kids make of the house… EVER! Andrew must have stepped out with them to the store and I wanted to show my appreciation for him having done ALL of the kid, and CF, and house duties for the entire day (waking, breakfast, treatment, diapers, lunch, nap, shop for dinner, cook dinner, refereeing, evening treatment, clean house, dishes, and put the kids to bed) so I decided I would clean up all of the toys before he got back.

Seriously. It was a huge task; even for the most proficient toy picker-upper and sorter. By the time I was done I only had 15 minutes to make my salad and dressing from scratch, and get dressed to leave. *Breath in*… I managed to get it done! Not only that but it was a RAVING hit at the party! (And I wasn’t even the murderer.)

So here it is: a quick yet delicious, semi-impressive salad and dressing brought to you by Semiserious Chefs.

Spinach Salad with Kalamata and Pesto Dressing

15 Minute Salad AND Dressing – Spinach Salad with Kalamata and Pesto Dressing

By: Semiserious Chefs
Serves: 2 – 4


For the Dressing:

  • 2/3 cup “kalamata juice” (the liquid that comes in a jar of kalamata olives)
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon feta cheese; fine crumbles
  • 1 tablespoon pesto

For the Salad:

  • 6 oz baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese crumbles
  • 5-10 oz cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup kalamata olives
  • Fresh ground pepper


  1. The dressing is really easy. Literally just measure out each of the ingredients into a container with a lid and shake. I used a small mason jar. Be aware, you will need to shake/stir it before you dress your salad every time. These ingredients like to keep to themselves on the molecular level.
  2. The salad is no less difficult. (Thus the 15 minute title.) Pre-measure and dump.
  3. Serve it with the cheese, tomatoes, and olives on the top for that type of presentation, or dress it and give a good toss for ease of use with the layered dressing. Both look fantastic.
  4. Just note that the recipe makes more than enough dressing than you will need.

The only thing I may note is that some folks prefer a vinaigrette that is lighter on the vinegar and others don’t care for much oil. This recipe is in the middle of the two extremes. If you prefer more oil, go halves with the first two ingredients. If you like it more tangy or with ‘bite’ split them 3/4 and 1/4. The latter is my more preferred option, so if you want to be cool like me……


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