Angel Hair with Garlic Cream Sauce

This is a really great recipe to have on hand for so many applications, and it’s simplicity makes it great for those of us who have lots of mouths to feed and not enough hands.

Andrew and I have been pondering how to make a good cream sauce for pizzas like a Mediterranean or Chicken, Bacon, Ranch. The issue has always been (not that we’ve spent much time on it) how to make it thick without having to add roux, thus bringing down the flavor and making it flour’y-like.

I was recently invited to bring ingredients for a pizza night at bible study and immediately thought of my favorite ingredients (the Classic Yuppie Mother Ingredients) but didn’t want to use the typical red sauce. Forced to come up with something quickly and off the top of my head, heavy whipping cream came to mind! Ah, heavy whipping cream… it’s like bacon, good with EVERYTHING!

By using just a few ingredients the perfect cream sauce came together, and with very little effort. It was also great on angel hair pasta the next day. It’s very easy to add specific flavors to for a variety of dishes, say basil or oregano, blue cheese and bacon, or even curries or other ethnic favorites. It can be served on pizza, different types of pasta, rice, or perhaps even potatoes.

The directions for roasting the garlic came from some YouTube video I saw last year, but it is an amazing way to get great whole roasted garlic cloves with very little effort. They store well, AND you end up with garlic infused olive oil. Just be warned, it is REALLY garlic-y oil; a little goes a long way.

Be sure to let us know how you used the recipe. We’d love to have your comments.

Garlic Cream Sauce



  • 1/2 pint heavy whipping cream
  • 7 roasted garlic cloves
  • 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Roast a head of garlic.
  2. Crush 7 roasted garlic cloves with a fork, breaking apart, and add to a medium sauce pan with the heavy whipping and parmesan cheese.
  3. Cook over medium heat until the cheese melts and the sauce begins to show ‘thick’ bubbles. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pepper does a lot to add flavor to a white sauce.
  4. Serve over angel hair pasta or spread on pizza dough and enjoy!

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