*These are all in Nathan’s words. He speaks, I type.

I opened GIMP and let Nathan play around with it for the first time today, and this is what he came up with.
I do gymnastics. And I do like doing CPT because I get to play games, and with Pulmozyme I get to play games. I’ve got a bunch of shirts. I’ve got a bunch of stuffed friends, and I’m really good at math and real fast at running.
I’m almost six years old, and we are going to go to Seattle twenty days from now. We’re going to go to the Space Needle and stay in a hotel for four days. I want to go to the Seattle aquarium.
I’m excited about going on the plane and going to the pizza market. The pizza place.

Nathan had the cell phone and he figured out how to turn on reverse mode…
This is a picture of my shelf. I can put my clothes in it, and in my bottom box I’ve got toys in the bottom box. I’ve got a fan on top and a couple things. Plus, I have a fan. Nothing else, nothing else, stupid.
*Bonus picture below
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