Fresh Herb Za'atar Steaks with Tomatoes

Fresh Herb Za'atar SteakFresh Herb Za'atar Steaks with TomatoesNot too long ago I spend considerable amount of time studying the Za’atar blends of various regions. Besides the most common use as a dip for olive oil and bread, Za’atar is also regularly used to season tomatoes. Although I don’t have the ability to get a hold of the true za’atar fresh herb I know that it’s a member of the mint family and is quite often replaced with thyme. Putting all of these ideas together I decided to make sirloin steaks marinaded with sumac, fresh mint, lemon thyme, and tomatoes in a way that would attempt to represent those flavors at their best.

Although I used beef, this combination would also go very heavenly with lamb.

Tomato and Fresh Herb Za’atar Steak

By: Semiserious Chefs
Serves: 4-6


  • 2 pounds of petite sirloin steaks
  • 2 t ground sumac
  • 1/4 t sea salt
  • 1/4 t ground black pepper
  • 2 pints cherry or grape tomatoes halve or quartered
  • 8 generous sprigs of fresh lemon thyme
  • 4 stems of fresh mint
  • sesame seeds for garnish
  • za’atar for additional seasoning as desired


  1. Use the sumac, salt, and pepper to season the steak cuts, front and back.
  2. Place half of the chopped tomatoes in the bottom of a pan or bowl. Add half of the mint and lemon thyme, then the seasoned steaks, and top with the remaining herbs and tomatoes. Marinade for 2 hours.
  3. Remove meat from dish, but retain herbs and tomatoes. Over medium-high heat, pan sear the steaks front and back, until juices are rendered and steaks are cooked to desired doneness. Set steaks aside to rest.
  4. Pull the leaves from the lemon thyme sprigs and chop the mint, then add these, along with the tomatoes to the hot pan and reduce heat to medium-low. Using a spatula gently break up the brown bits left in the pan from searing the steak. There should be sufficient juice from the marinade to do this, but add a couple tablespoons of water as needed. Saute the tomatoes until just becoming softened. You don’t want mushy tomatoes.
  5. Plate each dish with a steak topped with the tomato and herb blend. Garnish with sesame seeds and offer za’atar for additional seasoning as desired. Bread and olive oil with the za’atar are also the perfect accompaniment.

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